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How to Prepare an Article for the Magazine

Have fun and be famous. And it's easier than you think. Pick a topic with which you are familiar—software or hardware—and share your interest with other HAL-PC members. Write an article. Simple as that. If you aren't sure what to write about, just look through past issues [to insure you won't duplicate prior articles] or if you have an idea, just call the Editor and discuss it.

How to start? Just make a simple outline of what you want to share and add a few sentences to each part of your outline. Don't worry if you don't consider yourself as a "writer". The Magazine editorial staff will be delighted to assist you. It's what you know that is important and worth sharing with others.

We would like to publish all the fine articles/reviews received; however, space and editorial breadth may preclude an article being published in any one particular month. It may be better suited to a later issue. Articles are due the 15th of the prior month to publication; e.g., February 15th for April issue. There are two basic methods to submit your article:

1. you can "attach" it to a message that you upload to the "Magazine" area on the bulletin board (BBS) or

2. mail it into the office on a disk.


1. Save your file in one of the following formats (in order of preference): WinWord 6.0, WordPerf 5.1 (DOS or WIN), .RTF, or .TXT (with line breaks).

2. Do not imbed graphics in your article, save them in a separate file and let us know where each one goes in your article.

3. Use only the following formatting: One inch margins, single space, left justification, bold, and/or italic and no other. Please do not use full justification, center, TABs, indents, very wide right margin, large font sizes (keep all copy the same size) and NO hard returns, EXCEPT at the end of a paragraph. [For former typewriter users, use only one space after a period at the end of a sentence and after a comma.]

OTHER STUFF: Please include a title (and a subtitle...optional), your name, a contact phone, and a short bio (your option) in which you might state your SIG, or business title, or contact phone and e-mail address. Remember, many of your readers may be unfamiliar with a specialized term or acronym, so the first time you use an unfamiliar term or "initials", give a brief description or spell it out in adjacent parentheses. Reviews: present both pro and con in an objective manner, limiting personal judgements to those which are germane. Length: A typical one-page article is 850-1200 words. Articles will vary depending on subject matter and complexity. The Magazine reserves the right to edit for clarity, length, and style. Any article printed in the Magazine may be reprinted in another user group publication. The author and HAL-PC will be credited in the reprint; however, other user groups are not required to obtain prior permission or provide notification. We hope that you will accept this challenge to become involved in HAL-PC and help your fellow members.

Please e-mail Charles Evans at @hal-pc.org if you have any questions.

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