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HAL-PC Board of Directors Agenda

July 23, 2009

Unapproved minutes of the July 23, 2009 regular Board of Directors Meeting.
Any corrections, changes, additions to these minutes will be provided following approval of the minutes by the Board.

MINUTES OF July 23, 2009
4543 Post Oak Place
Houston, Texas


John Furby, President
Rick Archibald, First Vice President
Robert (Bob) Stewart, Vice President Programs (absent)
Allan Holtzmann, Vice President Communications (absent)
Annette Story, Recording Secretary
Pete Jamison, Membership Secretary (absent)
George Vaughn, Treasurer

Chris Read, Executive Committee
Jim Ward, Executive Committee
Greg Brewer, Director
Kelly Brown, Director
Mark E Crain, Director
T. Norman Crook, Director
Al Greene, Director (absent)
Robert Gunn, Director
Kojo Idrissa, Director
Michael J. Lempel, Director
Jerald Linsley, Director
Mary Ann Mitscherling, Director
John Molson, Director
Robert Spotswood, Director
Jim Story, Director
Russell Vesey, Director (absent)

6 HAL-PC members
4 Guests

I.The meeting was called to Order at 7:00 PM, John Furby presiding.

II.Motion to approve the minutes as corrected for the regular meeting held on July 7, 2009, was made. A second was heard and the motion passed.


President, John Furby
1.The President said 2 Hal-PC Executive Committee Meetings were held since the last Board meeting. The Executive Committee, based on the Bylaws is approving all expenditures.
George Vaughn, Treasurer, explained what kind of financial informatiion the Committee needs to look at. A formal request for financial data was submitted to the Office with a required definded format named the Office Accountability Document.
2.The Executive Committee will hold a meeting to discuss the lease terms. Then already designated people will meet with the landlord to discuss the lease terms.
John Furby stated that the meeting with the landlord [RM Crowe] to discuss the lease terms has not been set. All the data the landlord asked for is not available. All data available will be submitted.
3.John Furby stated the Executive Committee decided to postpone the publication of the next HAL-PC Magazine with anticipated savings of about $8,000 and $1500 for postage.

First Vice President, Rick Archibald (passed out 3 status sheets)
1.For calendar June, SIGs held 67 meetings with a total of 263 signatures turned in, 14 visitors and 22 who didn't put member number. June is SIG elections month: 4 SIGs elected their SIG leaders.
2.There were 48 people at the General meeting on June 20, 2009.
3.Certification of SIGS are deferred until next month. Two proposed new SIGs are a Health IT SIG (Fred Trotter) and a 3D Animation and Rendering (James Little). Music & Journalism SIG is in the works. The new Health IT SIG is holding a conference Friday, July 31 -Sunday, August 2. Work is being done to hold it here at HAL, resulting in a minimum of 60 new members and no costs to HAL.
4.The Webmaster set up a SIG data base to be a master depository of SIG information.
5.Two projectors were repaired for the classroom [Learning Center] by Jim Ward and Rick Archibald at no cost. [Applause] Rick suggested we earmark some funds from classes for a new projector.
6.A delegation from TexRex Labs, thinking of subleasing/leasing part of HAL's outside space and maybe joining & forming new SIGS were invited by Rick to observe the BOD meeting. [Applause welcoming them]

Rick Archibald, Real Estate Ad Hoc Committee Chairman, stated that recommendations have been received from a number of sources including a real estate broker and a network administrator as to what to pay attention to when renegotiating the facility lease.

VP Programs, Robert Stewart--No report.

VP Communications, Allan Holtzmann (absent): Referring to a status sheet, Rick Archibald stated Allan did 309 error adjustments to the ADSL account on May 4th.

Membership Secretary, Pete Jamison (absent): First VP reported membership statistics and Recording Secretary reported Pete Jamison's "Plan for the Future."

Treasurer, George Vaughn

An Executive Committee Meeting is being held every Tuesday to discuss and make decisions about a number of points. The one thing to add to what was reported last month was the receipt of Jill Craig's June 30th Financial Statement, income statement, balance sheet, and reasonable current accounting of cash balance (90 minutes ago).

HAL is very close to, if not passed, the point of insolvency where the bills known are equivalent to the cash. Need to know the differences between reporting numbers from one system versus another system and reconcile and review, looking at each transaction in sequence at each point of the monthly business cycle to make sure we have control.
HAL is still spending more than our revenue. The difference appears to be somewhere between $10k to $20k per month. HALNet had been contributing to revenue but during Ike we lost commercial accounts and we lost $30K/yr over a weekend. It is hard to see if anything is contributing any cash contribution at all at this point.

Jill Craig was recognized for her unusual amount of persistence. She got into a lot more than she expected [Applause for her work.]

George Walker asked about next rent (due Aug 1) and payroll. Cash level on George Vaughn's report is $89,000. George Vaughn does not know if that amount is right or wrong. Jill said, Any time cash balances have been presented, cash balances are correct because it is reconciled.

David Crook, Office Manager, handed out a vendor's invoice list for Directors only.

Questions were made about Vendors list. It presents historical data. Prior 30 days--$73,000. "Total Revenue" is "cash receipts."
Need to do analysis on prepayments.

Ad hoc Committee Reports: Just Real Estate given previously.

IV.New Business


John Furby talked about signing up. Annette Story said there are two lists of committees that are being passed around.
Standing committees and Ad Hoc Committees

Secretary read committees names and purpose. A few committees were discussed but John suggested we table this for next board meeting. Jim Story made a motion to table the discussion of the committees to give time to allow for signups and review. Motion seconded and passed.

V.Rick Archibald moved that the next regular HAL-PC meeting be held Thursday, August 27, 2009, at 7:00 PM. A second was heard and motion passed.

VI.Jim Ward moved to adjourn at 8:08p.m. Motion was seconded and passed.

Annette Story
HAL-PC Recording Secretary

File information
File: 2009_7_23_mins3