The Readers Write
Beverly Rosenbaum
Programs No Longer Available
A reader asks: Do you know where I can find download version of Syntrillium's Windchimes and Kaleidoscope?
Editor’s response: Many people have written to me asking what became of the popular freeware Windchimes program. Unfortunately the Syntrillium Software company was sold the following year after receiving a shareware award. There are web sites that still claim to have a link to an ftp site to download it, but none of the current links I researched were valid.
I assume you saw the reference to it in a September 2002 column in HAL-PC Magazine at If you follow the link in that article to, you will be redirected to syntrillium.html. That page explains that “Adobe Systems Incorporated acquired the technology assets of Syntrillium Software in May 2003 and introduced Adobe Audition software (a rebranded release of Syntrillium’s Cool Edit Pro) in August 2003. Adobe Audition 2.0 is the most current version of the software, and Syntrillium’s other (freeware) products have been discontinued.”
So your only other option is to follow the results of a Google search until you get lucky and locate the original programs, but they were never updated after 2002. Otherwise, you can try something else by downloading a 30-day trial of another WinChime program from winchime.htm, MindChimes Virtual Wind Chimes for PC or Mac from, or 3D Mystic Wind Chimes 1.2 from

Alternate Kaleidoscope freeware programs include one from and another from
Need Slide Scanner
A HAL-PC member writes:
I read your article on scanners [it appeared in HAL-PC Magazine, June 1999] and found it clear and very helpful in describing what is available. I am curious about your statement:
“To meet these requirements, several manufacturers have developed dedicated scanners that handle only 35mm slides. These devices are usually much more expensive than flatbed or sheet fed scanners, and are much less versatile.”
Who are these manufacturers? I have a zillion slides we would like to scan and store as CDs. Paying 35 cents per slide to a company to do it would be over the top. Do you know of a company that rents out these particular scanners?
Editor’s response: At the time there were at least four affordable consumer models. The dedicated slide scanners were sold by Nikon, Canon, Minolta and HP. Currently only two of them can be purchased new, the Minolta Dimage Dual IV (under $299) and the Nikon Coolscan V ED (under $599).
Minolta Dimage Scan Dual IV Film and Slide Scanner, 3200 dpi

Nikon Coolscan V ED, 4000 dpi

The CanoScan FS4000US, a 4000 dpi model once costing nearly $1000, can possibly be found on eBay for under $400.

An HP PhotoSmart Film Scanner S20 (not shown) is no longer available.
I personally do not know of any rental options for scanners in Houston, but if any other readers have information about that, please e-mail it to me and I’ll print it in another issue. The quote of 35 cents per slide is cheaper than most services I found, it’s a rather labor-intensive process. A Google search did produce a link for services at (based in Arizona) with cheaper pricing, depending on the resolution and quantity. They offer free return shipping on orders over $200.
We look forward to hearing from you! E-mail your questions or comments for this column to Names and addresses are printed only with permission.