ASHAMPOO SlideShow HD [Hi Def]
by Robert du Vernay
Ashampoo SlideShow HD (Hi Def) is exactly that! This program does only one thing, and does it very well. Your final product, i.e. a train of your images/slides and the tune(s) to make the ride more pleasant. You can burn your slideshows to DVDs that will play on any home DVD player. You can also create HD (high-definition) slideshows that you can upload to YouTube and MyVideo, or as MPEG2, MPEG4 or Windows Media video files (see graphic for list).
You may dump a wide variety of image of various format types in to the matrix, put captions on any of them if you like, flip ‘um etc.; press a button to PreView your show and then press a second button to process the SlideShow. At which time you plan on a cocktail, coffee or lunch; no it can’t the fastest little engine on the block. But the results are impressive! The resolution is the best I have seen in a long time, from a variety of products that I have seen and reviewed over the past years.
Slider controls for duration and transitions, different transition types or random. I very much liked the TEXT effect, which can be Spread over a series of images. Same for the Logo(s). Multiple MP3 tunes can be dumped in to your program and the program cycles automatically. It is just a delight to use!
It has some problems, none of which are major:
1. The standard MS Window upper right control functions – none standard.
2. Does not automatically SIZE to your video/monitor settings.
3. No CROP feature for images; so edit pixs beforehand.
4. 34 images => 24 minutes, to the finished burned DVD.

Ashampoo SlideShow HD is a program you must download via the Internet and pay with your bank card then secure a key via e-mail. The security implement on the product is a KILLER; I do not recommend it on this basis alone. I have tried on two occasions, and failed to get this product correctly installed, and I am the guy who is reviewing it, right?
If you are willing to gamble your 20USD, go for it. This product is also tied to your e-mail address and you must have Internet on the computer it is installed on; my second reason for not recommending it, even though it is a top notch program! For this program (buy it or trial version) and other offers, go to
Robert du Vernay, a HAL-PC member, is Chief Instructor for the 1st Saturday Basic 101 series of classes. His contact is